Page last updated: 19 March 2025 (website last updated: 24 March 2025)
Welcome to the Waxbill Finch Society's website
WFS members' 2024 breeding returns: deadline extended to 28 February 2025
Members will have received their winter edition of The Waxbill that included the form for your 2024 breeding returns. The form is available as a printed insert in the postal version of the magazine and as pdf and Word attachments where emailed. The deadline for receipt of your completed forms is now the end of February. Many thanks to everyone who has sent in theirs already and we look forward to a good response again from members this year. Thank you.
Colin Mitchelson
We have been informed of the sad passing of our president, Colin Mitchelson, who had been a long-standing member of the society. Colin was a much-liked member of our club. Over the next couple of months, we will look to collate members' thoughts of Colin with the aim of running a special piece on his memory in our Feb 2025 magazine. Our thoughts go to his family and friends.
WFS 2024 Annual General Meeting
A big thank you to everyone who participated at this year's AGM - held on Sunday 9th June at our Midlands branch venue. A good turn-out of members were given a treat by our guest speaker, Chris Ventouris, who gave an engaging and thought-provoking talk and slideshow. Additional thanks to stall holders, Planet Aviary and Junction 28, who provided a wide selection of feed and cage extras. A fuller report with pictures will be in the September edition of The Waxbill. Thanks again.
2024 Target Species
WFS committee introduced ‘Target Species’ following the breeding returns for 2015. This idea was to provide an incentive for members to breed a particular species in the coming year. At that point, waxbill numbers were largely on the rise and the aim was to focus on one species a year (over a rolling three years) that needed extra support.
The last three years, however, have seen such a significant drop in the number of waxbills bred that several species are now under concern. For 2023, it was felt appropriate to focus on a broader range of species.
For 2024, the WFS committee has decided to retain the same list of seven waxbill species as originally set for 2023. The committee hope that a continued focus on the same list of species will lead to a noticeable increase in numbers over the coming twelve months:
- Blue-capped Waxbill
- Gold-breasted Waxbill
- Lavender Finch
- Orange-cheeked Waxbill
- Red-cheeked Cordon Bleu
- Red-headed Finch
- St Helena Waxbill
2025 | Branch |
All meetings |
See our WFS branch meetings page for all the details. |
WFS Facebook page
The Waxbill Finch Society also has its own closed group on Facebook.
Access the site through the banner above.